implications in medicine as they have been linked to various health conditions, such as inflammation, cancer, heart diseases, and neurological disorders. Docosahexaenoic acid DHA is the key component of all cell membranes of the body and the most important fatty acid, which is concentrated in the...
an issue faced by both developed and developing countries of the world. Additionally, unscientific and crude disposal and recycling practices for management of E-waste have severe implications for the environment and human health resulting from release and exposure to toxic emissions and constituents. ...
ELECTRONIC WASTE PROBLEM IN DEVELOPING NATIONS: MISMANAGEMENT, HEALTH IMPLICATIONS, AND CIRCULAR ECONOMY OPPORTUNITIESdoi:10.20473/jkl.v16i1.2024.18-31Rauf, Annisa UtamiJournal of Environmental Health / Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan
In the face of these challenges, the strategic utilization of plants can emerge as a powerful tool in environmental restoration and human health. Plants act as natural filters by absorbing pollutants from air, soil, and water and thus can help in mitigating the impacts of various contaminants. T...
Implications of drug addiction William Lum 2017-07-12 0 Comments Drug abuse and addiction are some of the major challenges of the twenty-first century. While there has been a lot of advancements and success in alcohol and opiate addiction treatment, just to name a few, there is still a ...
Electrification of Buildings and Industry in the United States (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 2018); Wind Vision: A New Era for Wind Power in the United States (DOE, 2015). Implications of Policy-Driven Residential ...
Nature-based solutions provide a promising avenue for mitigating the multifaceted challenge of managing the human health impacts caused by urbanization3,4. For example, protecting and enhancing the existing, as well as creating new, biodiversity-friendly green spaces is just one nature-based solution ...
5) Harry E et al. Cognitive Load and Its Implications for Health Care. NEJM Catalyst; March 14, 2018 ( CONFLICT OF INTEREST: None Reported READ MORE September 6, 2019 It's not the EHR Michael Roebuck, MD | ...
The fast pace of increasing human population has led to enhanced crop production, due to which a significant increase in the application of pesticides has
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