The two continua model of mental illness and health states that both mental health and mental illness are related, but distinct dimensions: one continuum indicates the presence or absence of mental health, the other the presence or absence of mental illness (Westerhof and Keyes, 2010). Sign in...
The COVID-19 continuum of illness. Lancet Respir Med. 2022;10(7):630-631. doi:10.1016/S2213-2600(22)00219-3 PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 26. Tu TM, Seet CYH, Koh JS, et al. Acute ischemic stroke during the convalescent phase of asymptomatic COVID-2019 infection ...
Patients as Partners is co-produced with patients, industry, academia, government and nonprofit organizations to establish a well-rounded program that addresses the needs of all stakeholders seeking to implement and advance patient involvement across the entire clinical development continuum. About the Con...
Racial/ethnic inequities along the HIV care continuum persist in the United States despite substantial federal investment. Numerous studies highlight individual and social-level impediments in HIV, but fewer foreground systemic barriers. The present qual
It is estimated that a third of children know someone living with dementia, and there are now many picturebooks for young children that help to explain the
In model 2, we controlled for sociodemographic differences, and in model 3, we additionally controlled for health factors (severity of mental illness, self-reported health, and health insurance). Similar to model 1, ORs in model 2 and model 3 for prescription opioid use, prescription opioid mis...
Probation officers are tasked with supervising the largest number of people living with mental illnesses in the criminal legal system, with an estimated 16–27% of individuals on probation identified as having a mental health condition. While academic re
A proportion of children placed for adoption have spent significant periods of time in hospital because of prematurity, illness or disability. Short-term hospitalisation with parental contact may be relatively benign [83]; however, long-term hospitalisation can have a sustained negative impact on child...
The order of seeking care, and different factors that influenced sick persons as they progressed along a continuum of care, were mapped (Figure 3). In general, all participants first attempted to self-treat any illness at home. Some experiences of self-treatment, such as drinking hot water, ...