Factors to consider in recruiting control groups When selecting control groups for depression studies, it is important to ensure that individuals in the control group do not match any diagnostic criteria for other pathological conditions. For example, an individual may not be assessed as having depres...
One size does not fit all when it comes to diagnostics. Different diagnostic locations need solutions that meet their needs, whether for on-demand testing in a healthcare setting or a laboratory… #diagnostics #laboratory #molecular #screening Sponsored • Breast imaging congress EUSOBI 2021: A...
These include demand-side barriers, inequitable availability of services, human resource shortages, limited adherence support, lack of infrastructure and equipment, unreliable drug and diagnostics supplies, poor referral and linkage systems, the need for community engagement; as well as stigma and ...
Factors to consider in recruiting control groups When selecting control groups for depression studies, it is important to ensure that individuals in the control group do not match any diagnostic criteria for other pathological conditions. For example, an individual may not be assessed as having depres...
First Line Defence Antioxidants-Superoxide Dismutase (SOD), Catalase (CAT) and Glutathione Peroxidase (GPX): Their Fundamental Role in the Entire Antioxidant Defence Grid. Alex. J. Med. 2018, 54, 287–293. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] York-Duran, M.J.; Godoy-Gallardo, M.; Jansmanung, M...
First, however, answers must be given to two basic questions that arise: “What are the main properties of these compounds?” and “How transferable are they through different sources?”. Starting with the vitamins, specifically vitamin C, a good antioxidant, it is ideal for incorporation into...
Arylsulfatase, isolated from Helix pomatia, was purchased from Roche Diagnostics GmbH (Mannheim, Germany). 2.2. Solanum scabrum Seeds of S. scabrum were provided by the World Vegetable Centre (AVRDC) and cultivated at four different locations; the Max Rubner Institute, Federal Research Institute of...