Health extension package (HEP) is an essential health intervention that has the aim of prevention and increment of community-health awareness targeting households particularly women/mothers at the kebele level [1-5]. In Ethiopia, it was launched by the government in 2003 by training new health c...
Concretely, among the individuals who sought oral health care services, 73.7% of those in Uganda’s Nebbi District had tooth extraction as their sole treatment [98], while the percentage was 55.0% in Sudan’s Khartoum State [97], and 52.0% in Mozambique [46]. In Ethiopia’s Areka town,...
Ethiopia Kenya, Indonesia, Malawi, and Mozambique). They concluded that intrinsic rewards are important for both volunteer and salaried CHWs, but they do not compensate for the demotivation produced by a perceived low level of financial reward. While...
The NOHSC developed a National One Health Strategic Plan (2018–2022) for the overall guidance of one health approach in Ethiopia (Fig.4). The strategic plan is the roadmap for the country to achieve the long-term goal of prevention, detection and response to “negligible risks and impacts ...
Ethiopia [102] and Zambia [103], which reported an increase in healthcare utilization after the implementation of health insurance. The cost-sharing mechanism in health insurance is a highly debated political agenda [104]. Nepal is not an exception to politicization of cost-sharing in healthcare...
Maternal near miss in Ethiopia: protective role of antenatal care and disparity in socioeconomic inequities: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Afr Nurs Sci. 2021;15:100332. Elsevier Ltd. Google Scholar Darmstadt GL, Lee ACC, Cousens S, Sibley L, Bhutta ZA, Donnay F, et al....
, we found that households with improved latrines (AOR: 3.34; 95% CI: 1.96–5.69), functional hand-washing facilities (AOR: 2.15; 95% Figure 2 The prevalence of self-reported food safety practices among health extension model and non-model households in Kombolcha, Northeastern Ethiopia. ...
Abebe and Belayneh BMC Health Services Research (2023) 23:1365 BMC Health Services Research RESEARCH Determinants of willingness to pay for community-based health insurance scheme among households in rural community of southern Ethiopia Yonas Abebe1* ...
Nevertheless, the health extension programme has over 38,000 health extension workers working in more than 16,000 health posts thereby reaching households with essential health packages [14, 15]. In the national strategic plan 2014–2020, Ethiopia has a target of 100 % access to effective ...
Previous study in Southern Tanzania had shown that a minority of facility health worker time is spent on direct patient care, in spite of its importance relative to other activities [17]. A study from Ethiopia found that health extension workers spent less time at community (37 %) compared ...