In 2023, health expenditure in China amounted to about 7.19 percent of the GDP, up from 7.08 percent in the previous year. Rising healthcare expenditure In the past four decades, China's overall healthcare spending has increased consistently.
The data on out-of-pocket spending is a key indicator with regard to financial protection and hence of progress towards UHC. Original Source Notes: The World Health Organization (WHO) has revised health expenditure data using the new international classification for health expenditures in the ...
Findings: CNCDs are the leading cause of death in Trinidad and Tobago and attempts have been made to address these issues. Recurrent expenditure continues to constitute the majority of health sector spending with programmes like the Chronic Disease Assistance Programme (CDAP) directly targeting the ...
Our projections highlight the large differences in expected future health spending and pooled health spending per capita across the globe, with high-income countries projected to spend 45·9 times (95% UI 37·1–54·6) more on total health expenditure per capita than low-income countries in ...
GOVEXP refers to domestic general government health expenditure, MNSCHOOL is mean years of schooling and URBAN refers to urbanization. Further,nit,vit, εit, and μitare the stochastic error terms at periodt.The parameters\({\alpha }_{0}, { \beta }_{0}, { \theta }_{0},{ \delta }...
The problem of AIDS response has not only involved public health, but also had a great impact on the family burden.The objective of this study was to estimate the preventive and curative care expenditure(PCE)for AIDS of Hunan Province in 2017 based on Sy
Access to healthcare is now a government-funded enterprise with adjunct private sector financing, as well as individual out-of-pocket expenditure. An NHF Card subsidises pharmaceuticals for fifteen chronic diseases for a cross-section of the Jamaican population, while the Jamaica Fund for the ...
Target 3.8 (as above) Financial risk protection (3.8.2) Proportion of population with large household expenditures on health as a share of total household expenditure or income, % No Comprehensive and comparable datasets on household expenditures on health as a fraction of total household expenditure...
Vision health is an important aspect of health worldwide. Visual impairment (VI) is associated with poor quality of life and is usually more prevalent in rural areas. To help rural populations obtain vision care, health insurance policies have emerged th
Comparing food consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic: analysis of household income and expenditure survey data in Iran. January 17, 2023 [MEDLINE Abstract] Sexual reproductive health service utilization and associated factors among undergraduate students of Addis Ababa University in Ethiopia. ...