Galea, who has been studying health equity issues for a quarter century, uses this one: If one person is taller than another, that's an inequality that can't be fixed. However, if medicine is being kept on a high shelf that only tall people can reach, the solution involves equity. "...
Building on decades of work by scholars and activists, health and healthcare equity is an emerging priority in Canada’s cancer care sector and this growing focus on equity is encouraging. While our review focused specifically on the Canadian context, the increasing interest in health equity in C...
Race/ethnicity/culture/language,Occupation,Gender/sex,Religion,Education,Socioeconomic status, andSocial capital [10,11]; based on our previous work, we additionally included caste and disability. For analytical purposes, we define a ‘pro-equity’ programme as one that reduces existing health inequi...
We searched two scholarly databases, namely MEDLINE (Ovid) and Web of Science, the websites of Organizations of Persons with Disabilities and governments, and reviewed evidence shared during WHO-led consultations on the topic of health equity for persons with disabilities. We included articles ...
The profound link between food insecurity and detrimental health consequences has been extensively documented in scholarly research, which underscores its importance as a pivotal policy issue [22, 23]. A fundamental element of food security is the knowledge of food, that is, understanding what to ...
Together We Have the Power to Make a Positive Impact. Connect With Us and Start the Conversation. The enormous issue of racial health equity can only be addressed through partnership and collaboration. By connecting you with Black communities, Uzima can be your key strategic partner in the missio...
We acknowledge the funders who supported this study: Queen’s University Catalyst Fund (PI S. Bartels), Clinical Teachers’ Association of Queen’s University (PI S. Douglas), Canada Research Chairs Program and Queen’s University Fund for Scholarly Research and Creative Work and Professional ...
The Journal of Public Health Policy (JPHP) will continue its 35 year tradition: an accessible source of scholarly articles on the epidemiologic and social foundations of public health policy, rigorously edited, and progressive. JPHP aims to create a more inclusive public health policy dialogue, ...
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and IBECS databases through the GIFT/VHL portal, 20 were retrieved from GIFT, 16 from the VHL, 1 from Equity Health, and 25 from institutional repositories. Of the selected publications, 42 were scholarly articles, 18 were documents, and two were presented as educational material for virtual ...