Roadmap for Health Equity: Understanding the Importance of Community-Engaged Researchdoi:10.1161/STROKEAHA.124.046958communitycommunity health workerhealth equitysocial determinants of healthsocial justicestrokeAchieving health equity in stroke prevention, treatment, and recovery has continued to be a ...
CommonSpirit, virtual workers reach labor deal | Judy Faulkner's best advice | Top challenges for IT decision-makers | Hospital holiday hacks rise | Walgreens eyes private equity sale December 10, 2024 Top health systems to work in IT | Optum conducts layoffs | Mayo CIO to retire | Hospitals...
Central to the overall mission and vision of Healthy People is an emphasis on achieving health equity, eliminating health disparities, and improving health for all population groups. The Heart Disease and Stroke (HDS) Work Group of the HP2020 Initiative aims to leverage advances in biomedical ...
Equity, Diversity, Inclusion Online Commenting Policy Public Access and Open Access Policy Statement on Potentially Offensive Content JAMA Network Products AMA Manual of Style JAMAevidence Peer Review Congress JN Learning Home State CME Clinical Challenge CME Atrial Fibrillation Course Women's Health ...
The DHFF initiative in Pwani region enhanced access and equity in public PHC infrastructure development, contributing to the goal of achieving UHC [15]. The project had a positive impact on MNCH indicators, particularly in expanding CEmONC coverage, aligning with the GoT’s objective of decentral...
Adopt diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging in your healthcare branding strategy. This means creating content that reflects the diversity of patients.A good question to ask as you create a healthcare marketing strategy is, “Can diverse groups of patients identify with your healthcare brand?
Begin with developing a climate risk mitigation plan. Initially, it should identify low-hanging fruit; many guidelines are available to aid in this work, such as theAHA Sustainability Roadmapand ASHEEnergy to CareIdentify new expertise to bring in-house to support ESG efforts and gain support fo...
Int J Equity Health. 2017;1(16):58. Article Google Scholar Wang YHQW. The differences in self-perceptions of aging, health-related quality of life and their association between urban and rural Chinese older hypertensive patients. Health Qual Life...
While HTN alone is associated with cardiovascular disease and “all cause” mortality, its high co-occurrence with obesity, dyslipidemia, and diabetes makes HTN a persistent obstacle towards improved outcomes and equity and a significant driver of costs. When adjusting for age, the burden of HTN ...
Centre for Primary Health Care and Equity, UNSW, Sydney, NSW, Australia Mark Harris Faculty of Health Sciences & Medicine, Bond University, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia Nick Zwar School of Public Health and Community Medicine, UNSW, Sydney, Australia Nick Zwar Centre for Chronic Disease, The Univ...