Mice have been used in studies previously to study the effects ofmarijuana, but figuring out a way for them to self-administer the drug, as humans do, has been notoriously difficult, Smoker said. More information:Michael P. Smoker et al, Self-administration of edible Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol a...
there's a greater chance you'll take too much. "You take a bite of an edible product and nothing happens. Then you take another bite and another bite, not understanding that it takes time for the effects to occur," Hill explains. Eating large amounts of marijuana can expose you to dan...
“The body processes edibles in a different way from the way it processes smoked marijuana,” says Dr. Gruber. “The effects of edibles can take longer to appear, and last longer when they do, because they have to pass through the liver as you digest them — and in this process the ...
Cannabis-infused edibles are becoming increasingly popular as more states legalize marijuana. There are a few things to know about edibles before trying them. First, the effects of edibles can take up to four hours to hit you. Second, edibles can be much more potent than smoking or vaping...
Adverse health effects of marijuana use. N Engl J Med. 2014;370(23):2219-2227. doi:10.1056/NEJMra1402309PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 16. Karila L, Roux P, Rolland B, et al. Acute and long-term effects of cannabis use: a review. Curr Pharm Des. 2014;20(25):...
More people are discovering that many prescription medications they are taking for conditions like pain, anxiety, and even depression can be addictive or have harmful side effects. Marijuana is much less likely to be addictive than these other drugs, and it also has a very low potential for abu...
Basically, CBD oil contains cannabidiol, a non-psychoactive compound extracted from the marijuana plant. There are numerous benefits associated with cannabidiol, such as pain relief and anxiety management. Due to this, there has been an increase in the number of people using cannabidiol oil and, ...
In: Marijuana Enforcement Division DoR (ed). Lakewood, CO, USA; 2017. Vo KT, Horng H, Li K, Ho RY, Wu AHB, Lynch KL, et al. Cannabis intoxication case series: the dangers of edibles containing tetrahydrocannabinol. Ann Emerg Med. 2018;71:306–13. Article PubMed Google Scholar ...
Are you a marijuana enthusiast who enjoys the potency, flavor, and quality of a good product? You mightbuy edibles online legalmany times, but then you feel it’s time to try some joints. If so, then you know how disappointing it can be when your favorite joints lose their magic. ...
The condition may also be present in those who mistakenly assume that edible marijuana (as in gummies or baked goods) has the same rapid effect as smoked marijuana. For example, an individual may consume cannabis orally to no effect for several hours, then eat extra edibles, causin...