Health disparities are the result of differences in access to healthcare, quality of care and other social determinants of health. They can be caused by a variety of factors, including race, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status and geography.Latest Health Annalisa Merelli Maternal mortality d...
Systemic, institutional, and individual-level responses to difference have been found to be associated with the development of health and healthcare disparities across various groups in the USA. This chapter provides an overview of existing disparities across a selection of diseases and disorders and ...
health-care services, health disparities between people of African descent and the white population continue to be of concern. 虽然《民权法案》第六章禁止获得 医疗卫生服务机会方面的歧视,禁止得到联邦资助的方案或活动中基于种族、肤 色或民族的歧视,包括医疗卫生服务方面的歧视,但是,...
Brainstorm Health 2023 - Disparities In Healthcare: How Gender Plays A Role April 25, 2023 08:00 AM GMT+8 - Updated April 29, 2023 02:40 AM GMT+8 Alyssa Jaffee, Partner, 7wireVentures Alexis McGill Johnson, President and CEO, Planned Parenthood Federation of America Dr. Sandra Milliga...
however, early discussions of health disparity tended to downplay overuse as the source of us health disparities. an understanding (and prevention) of health care disparities is incomplete without including work in both overuse and underuse of health care services. equity only makes sense if it ...
Racial and ethnic disparities in health care pervade the American health car e system. Several reviews of the scientific literature document the existence of racial and ethnic disparities in the processes and outcomes of care for a variety o f diseases and clinical conditions, including cardiovascular...
这里的health care disparities怎么翻译比较好?求回答,谢谢🙏 网校学员广西师**在学习英语基础翻译课程【随到随学班】时提出了此问题,已有1人帮助了TA。 网校助教 KK助教 同学你好,该知识点来自沪江网校《英语基础翻译课程【随到随学班】》的课程,想要更系统的学习,欢迎进入课程学习。不仅可以和更多的同学一起...
During 2008, we are soliciting manuscripts on disparities in health care. The editorial board has selected this topic as our year-long theme. We will publish these manuscripts in each issue as the manuscripts are submitted and accepted. Please indicate in your cover letter that your manuscript ...
Social disparities in health care is a topic at the forefront of both medical sociology and mental health research. The objective of the series is to highlight leading areas of study within these areas, as well as identify emerging issues for future research. Topics covered in this series ...
Disparities are evident in the overall health and health care provision of these "at risk" groups, and have been extensively documented in the literature. Promoting health for all Americans, especially those of minority status who suffer a dispropor- tionate burden of disease, have become the ...