Disparities in health care utilization among Latino children suffering from asthma in California. Pediatr Health Med Ther 2011;2:1-8.Chang J, Patel I, Liu ST, et al. (2011) Disparities in health care utilization among Latino children suffering from asthma in California. Pediatric Health, ...
Data table comparing level of federal funding received vs. actual state-level spending to address COVID-19 health disparities in California, Illinois, Mississippi, Missouri, and Pennsylvania. Percent of funding spent of total awarded ranges from 0 – 16.9%. Philanthropy The philanthropic sector is p...
Gender disparities have been found in the prevalence of somatic symptoms of depression, with women being more prone to experience symptoms such as appetite disturbance, sleep disorders (Roberts et al. 2000; Kockler and Heun 2002; Jaussent et al. 2011), and atypical depression (Angst et al. ...
Indigenous peoples around the world face significant health disparities relative to the dominant groups in their countries, yet the magnitude and patterns
Catherine Dower, J.D., from the University of California in San Francisco, reviewed recent research onhealth disparitiesin the United States, the implications on policy, and direction of future research. According to the report, health varies at a county level, and according to characteristics suc...
The healthcare disparities in the cancers like gynecologic malignancies are persevered worldwide that are worsening and are with relatively poor clinical outcomes. Understanding these disparities is complicated and includes various factors like racial, geographic, comorbidities/age, socioeconomic status, and...
Disparities in this domain have received less attention, although prior work has described inequalities in pediatric emergency department wait time2 and racial disparities in the time adults spend seeking medical care.3 In prior work, using survey data on time associated with medical visits, we ...
and broader populations. The curriculum integrates basic and applied approaches to addressing public health problems in the community through the key tools of assessment, planning, and evaluation. Coursework covers areas such as health equity/health disparities, health education and promotion, reproductive...
The National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD) awarded the University of California–San Francisco (UCSF) center a five-year, $22.5-million grant to research health disparities in chronic diseases. The grant is part of a NIMHD initiative to fund a con...
https://www.joe.org/joe/1989summer/a5.phpGoogle Scholar Firearm Sales and COVID-19, Psychological Distress, and Health Disparities in the US JAMA Network Open Invited Commentary January 4, 2021 COVID-19 Resource Center See More About Public Health Health Disparities Psychiatry and Behavioral ...