Clinical Neurosciences, Department for Neurology, University Hospital Essen, Essen, Germany Helena Hartmann Contributions J.P. contributed to conceptualization, methodology, formal analysis, investigation, data curation, writing the original draft, review and editing, visualization, supervision and project admi...
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A tool to assess nutritional status in older persons was really needed. It took 5 years to design the MNA® (Mini Nutrition Assessment) tool, complete
In this Article, we describe a pre-registered, large-scale systematic review and multilevel, multivariate meta-analysis to address this need with quantitative evidence for (1) the effect of touch interventions on physical and mental health and (2) which moderators influence the efficacy of the in...
Birth asphyxia accounts for about 23% of the approximately 4 million neonatal deaths each year worldwide (Black et al., Lancet, 2010, 375(9730):1969-87). The majority of newborn infants require little assistance to undergo physiologic transition at birth
作者:Wewers Mary Ellen;Salsberry Pamela J.;Ferketich Amy K.;Ahijevych Karen L.;Hood Nancy E.;Paskett Electra D. 期刊名称:《Journal of women’s health》 | 2012年第5期 46.Associations between psychologic symptoms and life satisfaction in women with polycystic ovary syndrome 机译:多囊卵巢综...
Ville Pettilä; Susan Jain; Abhinav Gupta; Catherine Holbrook; Pierre Antoine; Ferhat Meziani; Hayat Allam; Jessy Cattelan; Raphael Clere-Jehl; Julie Helms; Christine Kummerlen; Hamid Merdji; Alexandra Monnier; Hassene Rahmani; Antoine Studer; Francis Schneider; Vincent Castelain; Guillaume Morel;...
Koch's declaration apparently ignored the 1868 work of Jean Antoine Villemin, a French doctor, who described the greater virulence of bTB in rabbits as compared with human TB (15). In 1890, Koch cultured the bacillus in a 5% glycerol broth, subsequently evaporated ov...
Nicholson R, Stephenson P, Brown VA, Mitchell N (2002) Common Ground and Common Sense—Community Based Environmental Planning—An Action Handbook, Canberra, Australia: Publication Production Unit (Public Affairs, Parliamentary and Access Branch), Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing. Available:...
Despite the high usage of mobile phones in daily life in developing countries like Bangladesh, the adoption and usage of mHealth services have been significantly low among the elderly population. When searching previous studies, the researchers have foun