Health Declaration Form (T.8) of Yellow Fever for Entry to Kingdom of Thailand ระบบลงทะเบียนแจ้งสุขภาพของผู้เดินทางก่อนเข้ามาในราชอาณาจั...
P. (2011). The Alma-Ata declaration: An appraisal of Nigeria's primary oral health care three decades later. Health Policy, 99, 255-260.Osazuwa-Peters N. The Alma Ata declaration: an appraisal of Nigeria primary oral health care 3 decades later. Health Policy. 2011;99(3):255-60....
This study was performed in line with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki. Approval was granted by the South African Medical Research Council Ethics Committee (EC030-9/2015). Consent to Participate Informed consent was obtained from all individuals participants included in the study. Consen...
Economic Shocks from COVID-19 and the Assessment of Micro-, Small-, and Medium-Sized Enterprises Emergence of Insurance Coverage in Urban South-West, Nigeria 2023, Advances in African Economic, Social and Political Development1 Data are publicly available at
The consent form included the purpose, objectives, and details of the study. Participants were assured of the privacy and confidentiality of their responses. The study adhered to the ethical guidelines of the Declaration of Helsinki. Procedure The researchers visited the selected schools and provided ...
public. He also dictated to clinical physicians what they had to do — inject their patients with inadequately tested mRNA gene treatments andtriagethe sickest according to their social standing — and what they could not do, e.g., prescribeIvermectinor adopt the Great Barrington Declaration ...
Information, regulation and coordination: realist analysis of the efforts of community health committees to limit informal health care providers in Nigeria. Heal Econ Rev. 2016;6(51):1–16. Article Google Scholar WHO. The private sector, universal ...
The Dynamics of Power Flow from the Global Health Financing; comment on Power Dynamics among Health Professionals in Nigeria: a case study of the global fund policy process. Int J Health Policy Manage. 2023;12(Issue 1):1–4. Article Google Scholar ...
In Nigeria, before 2006, health officials estimated that 70% of drugs in circulation in the country were either fake or adulterated [43]. It is difficult to assess the true prevalence of counterfeit ARVs, in part because of the lack of specific research, but also because anecdotal reports ...
The study was conducted in accordance with the principles outlined in the Helsinki Declaration. All respondents (children and their parents/guardians and officials of state agencies) provided written consent to participate in the study. The data acquired was anonymised to protect the children’s ...