本科和研究生其实都是读的统计学,去年年底毕业找工作时正好看到public health招募data analyst于是就投了简历,机缘巧合通过了笔试面试,赶着疫情加入了公卫这个大多数朋友也不知道公卫究竟在做什么的行业😂 因为疫情所以我到现在的体验可能有很大的bias,大体上可以概括为从数据角度support其他team的正常运作,以及向public...
Share on Facebook Share on X Share on LinkedIn Copy link Health care is one of America’s fastest-growing industries, and therefore the industry generates a vast amount of documentation and records. The field of health information management (HIM) aims to manage all of this information so that...
大部分同学毕业后都从事了数据分析( Data Scientist/Analyst )的相关工作,就职于互联网科技公司和咨询...
Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window) Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window) Click to print (Opens in new window) Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window) Posted inAdaptive Immune Response to Biomaterials and Tissue Repair,Artificial Intelligence - Ge...
Global Healthcare Data Analytics Companies-to-Action, 2017 K1E6-48 Contact: Mariana Fernandez Corporate Communications -North America P: +1 (210) 348 1012 E:Mariana.Fernandez@frost.com http://ww2.frost.com twitter: @FS_Healthcare LinkedIn: Transform Health...
I started getting onto LinkedIn groups to share my experiences with fellow data science enthusiasts. The process of interviewing for data analyst and data scientist roles wasn’t easy and I was glad to share my advice with them. With the same desire to help others, I moved on to giving wor...
SAS Health is an end-to-end enterprise solution for data integration, data management, automation and analytics. Consolidate your data under a faster and more productive AI and analytic platform that operates across the entire analytics life cycle, helping you address complex health care topics faste...
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Pharmacy data: medication (medication prescribed, allergies, etc.). • Data outside healthcare systems: – Web andsocial media data: data from social media such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and smart-phone apps. – Lifestyle data: fitness club membership, grocery store purchases, etc. ...