Longitudinal Health Consequences of Insomnia Symptoms among Middle-Aged and Older Adults in ThailandSupa PengpidPeltzer, KarlDararatt AnantanasuwongElderly Health Journal
Almost a third of adults have trouble sleeping, and about 10 percent have (6) of daytime impairment that signal true insomnia. But (7) the complaints, scientists know surprisingly little about what causes chronic insomnia, its health consequences and how best to treat it, a panel of sp...
Insomnia has been associated with multiple negative outcomes in adults and children. Insomnia in adults has been linked to decreased health-related quality of life (HRQOL)9,10and mental health problems11. Additionally, persistent insomnia in adults has been linked to increased inflammation, mortality12...
This article summarizes recent epidemiologic evidence on insomnia, including its prevalence, incidence, and risk factors, as well as its course and consequences. Insomnia is a significant public health problem. It is a highly prevalent condition, both as a symptom and a syndrome, and is often a...
Insomnia and stress are closely related. Insomnia causes stress and stress causes insomnia. This vicious circle will make this worse over time. Breaking this circle is the best step towards better health.
This finding suggests that the positions and the roles of men and women in the labor market and in the family are important factors explaining the negative consequences of the negative consequences of unemployment on health (Strandh et al. 2013). Unlike education, a clear gender gap favoring ...
Purpose: To describe the consequences of making a fatal medication error for health care providers. It was proposed that new knowledge gained could be used to sensitize nurses to the impact of such a damaging event on the health care provider and to assist them in appreciating the fear and gu...
Role of Appraisal Stress is the process by which we respond to stressors (stressful events) How we appraise an event is an important part of that process Challenging healthy feelings of energized arousal Threatening overwhelming feeling of distress ...
Women’s health can be defined as ‘diseases and ailments that only women have, diseases that affect more women than men, that affect very many women or that have different consequences for women than for men’ [22] (p. 27). Throughout the course of a normal lifespan, women undergo ...
Category-II BCTs (Table 6) focus on the future outcomes of sleep or the consequences of poor sleep. These BCTs include feedback and monitoring, reward and threat, and natural consequences. Self-tracking or daily logging of sleep was incorporated in all the reviewed CASHRS. Indeed, the quantif...