Health Conditions in Older Adults Suspected of Being Maltreated: A 20-Year Real-World StudyOLDER peopleMEDICAL personnelMENTAL illnessNOSOLOGYINTIMATE partner violenceTEETH injuriesOlder adult maltreatment (OAM) is a global problem that has attracted increasing attention due to the ageing p...
While older millennials are experiencing higher rates of chronic health conditions, it may not be strictly due to declining health. The implementation of the Affordable Care Act in 2010, also known as Obamacare, increased access to health-care providers for many Americans. This was especially impor...
Many adults are living longer with health conditions in the United States. Understanding the disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) for such health conditions may help to inform healthcare providers and their patients, guide health interventions, reduce
Ageing is a dynamic process, and trends in the health status of older adults aged at least 60 years vary over time because of several factors. We examined reported trends in morbidity and mortality in older adults during the past two decades to identify patterns of ageing across the world. ...
Most medical and mental health professionals receive little to no training in recognizing and treating mental health conditions in older adults. This knowledge gap leaves many older adults without the support they need. 6.Stigmaand Silence Many older adults grew up during a...
(high blood pressure), diabetes mellitus and various other conditions. In fact it is estimated that in some nations this may be as high as 9 in 10 older adults have at least one chronic condition. Understanding what conditions may arise and what you can do to manage or even prevent it ...
Later-born generations of older adults in the United States are more likely to have a greater number of chronic health conditions than the generations that preceded them, according to a study conducted by Penn State and Texas State University. ...
Results: The average number of chronic health conditions for the sample was higher than those in similar samples; the proportion of older adults with four or more chronic conditions was 10% higher than the national average for adults age 65 or older. Depression and post-traumatic stress (PTS)...
Taiwan Aim: This qualitative study reports identified themes from suggestions made by 533 Canadian older adults, aged $65 years in response to the open-ended question contained in a Saskatch- ewan Telephone Survey: "What suggestions can you make to engage someone in their health and healthcare?
Older adults are unaware of the biological mechanisms that contribute to the development of disabilities, chronic conditions, and frailty, yet, when made aware, desire to employ lifestyle changes to mitigate these conditions. We developed the AFRESH health and wellness program and report on pilot te...