Pre-intervention phase(12 months): in order to ensure that hypertension is diagnosed under the same conditions in both the intervention and the control groups, the following actions will take place: a) Non-validated blood pressure monitors will be removed from the PHCT examination rooms. This ...
Male impotence can be caused by a variety of mental, physical, or biological combinations that negatively affect a man’s ability to achieve an erection. Some of these conditions are directly related to poor circulation where blood flow cannot provide enough pressure to erect a flaccid penis while...
The World Health Organization (1946) defines health as "a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." Social determinants of health can be described as conditions in the environment in which individuals are born, live, develop, pl...
Fourmainfactorsaffectinghealth 1.behaviorandlifestylefactors Itreferstotheadverseeffectsonhealthdirectlyor indirectlycausedbytheirbadbehaviorandlifestyle.Suchas diabetes,hypertension,coronaryheartdisease,coloncancer, prostatecancer,breastcancer,obesity,sexuallytransmitted diseasesandAIDS,mentalillness,suicideandsoon,are...
Consuming more fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and dairy would reduce the risk of hypertension caused by PM2.5 and its constituents. Conclusions Dietary patterns rich in antioxidants can reduce long-term exposure to PM2.5 and its constituents-induced hypertension defined by the 2017 ACC/AHA...
Therefore, a significant part of the CFR may be caused by the massive stress of the Italian health system. Finally, the correlation matrix in Fig. S1 indicated that the average temperature and humidity were significantly and negatively correlated to the COVID-19 prevalence, with a Pearson's r...
AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), as a sensor of mitochondrial stress and nutrient status, can be activated under elevated AMP:ATP ratio conditions, embodying a detector of cellular energy status.18AMPK switches on several catabolic pathways, such as glycolysis and fatty acid oxidation, to supp...
impressions toward Thai public hospitals’ quality of care, which was denoted as the main barrier to accessing healthcare services. Other significant barriers consisted of high treatment costs commonly charged by private hospitals and language issues. While the improvement of healthcare quality and the...
(71%;n = 145), with all other teams reporting percentages below 30%. Notably, CMHTs reported that the model was clinically valuable in terms of preventing a crisis in 19% (n = 175) of cases and in terms of identifying the deterioration of patient conditions in 17% (n =...
To measure self-perceived barriers to healthcare, we used a list of 11 possible barriers (Table 2) based on a report from the Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research on the self-management of patients with chronic conditions [37]. The original list consisted of 14 barriers: two of...