The PC Health Check app is a new PC diagnostics tool developed by Microsoft and released along with Windows 11. It helps you check if your PC can run Windows 11 and identify if your computer has any potential problems. You canuse PC Health Check appto test your PC for Windows 11’s co...
PC Health Check(Windows11升级检测) v2.5系统其他 软件等级: 软件大小:6.5MB 支持语言:简体中文 授权方式:免费版 软件分类:系统软件/系统其他 官网链接: 更新时间:2024-10-31 13:55:03 运行环境:WinXp,Win2003,WinVista,Win 7,Win 8,Win 10,x64 ...
PC Health Check是微软官方提供的一个Windows11升级检测工具,主要目的就是帮助用户们完成升级,它可以检查您的PC设备是否可以运行Windows 11,还提供了系统兼容性检测、硬件设备维护以及系统环境导航等功能,而且是完全免费的,想知道电脑能不能满足Windows 11系统要求的话就快来下载检测一下吧~ 软件特色 微软官方推出的一...
升级推送一旦开始,您可以进入“设置”/“Windows 更新”中查看您的设备是否已经可以升级。 电脑健康状况检查应用PC Health Check下载地址: 全新推出 Windows 11介绍页面:
I've downloaded the (re-released) PC Health Check app for Windows 11 and was hoping to run it on various model computers in our enterprise. However, when I run it and click "Check now", it gives the below message instead of running. …
11 OS. It is originally released to help users check for Windows 11 compatibility. But it also acts as a free PC health check app that helps check your PC’s update status, backup and sync status, disk usage rate, battery life, startup time, etc. Learnhow to download PC Health Check...
Windows 11 has requirements for computer hardware. Computers that do not meet the minimum hardware requirements cannot be updated to Windows 11. You can use Microsoft's PC Health Check app to check if your computer can run Windows 11. To do this, perform the following: Go to https://aka....
Here's some of the things you can do in the PC Health Check app in Windows: Check Windows 11 eligibility Backup & sync Windows Update Battery capacity Storage capacity Startup time See your device specifications Related topics Getting ready for the Windows 11 upgrade ...
Re:Windows 11 PC Health Check App error Welcome to the community forum. Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz 2.80 GHz Only Microsoft knows for sure, but one possible explanation is this CPU didn't make it on the Windows 11 Supported Intel Processors list. ...
Hello, I downloaded and run PC health check so to be sure if the upcoming windows update can be installed.Unfortunately -and surprisingly- the app says...