Medbridge provides leading-edge education and a patient-friendly digital care platform, helping healthcare professionals to care for more patients and practice at the top of their licenses.
Experience in mental health: Community care and social policy Kathleen Jones. London, Newbury Park, New Delhi: Sage, 1988. Price: £8.95There are now over 100 Foundation Trusts. They are the 'cream' of the stock of acute, mental health and community hospitals in the English NHS, having ...
Multicultural Understanding: A Comprehensive Model (Multicultural Aspects of Counseling Series, Vol. 1)Don C. Locke. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications,Promoting Cultural Diversity: Strategies for Health Care ProfessionalsKathryn H. Kavanagh and Patricia H. Kennedy ...
238 pagesSally E.ThorneNegotiating Health Care: The Social Context of Chronic Illness1993Sage PublicationsNewbury Park, CAdoi:10.1016/S8755-7223(95)80122-7Eleanor SullivanJournal of Professional Nursing
T. H. Brubaker (Ed.), Aging, Health, and Family: Long Term Care. Newbury Park: CA: Sage, 1987, 288 pp., $29.95 hardcove r, $14.95 paper 来自 onAcademic 喜欢 0 阅读量: 53 作者: Cohn, Margaret D.摘要: 一种鸡骨草散瘀止痛口服液及其生产方法.由鸡骨草,蔛草,虎尾轮根,鸡冠苗,...
Book Reviews : Kathleen E. Grady and Barbara Strudler Wallston. Research in Health Care Settings. Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 1988, 176 ppdoi:10.1177/109821409101200112StevenH.ChasinSageAmerican Journal of Evaluation
The majority had seen a primary health care practitioner since the birth: 86% had seen a Child and Family Health Service (CaFHS) nurse, 81% a general practitioner (GP), and 61% an Aboriginal health worker (AHW). Women living in remote areas were more likely to have seen primary care ...
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare workers (HCWs) have been exposed to highly stressful situations, including increased workloads and exposure to mortality, thus posing a risk for adverse psychological outcomes, including acute stress, moral injury, and depression or anxiety symptoms. Althoug...
Understanding later-life role model choice and motivations, particularly for older men in sport, exercise, and health contexts, is complex and heterogenous, making it difficult for health and exercise promotion initiatives. This qualitative study examine
This approach may have a significant impact on the effectiveness of healthcare practices. 2. Materials and Methods 2.1. Study Design and Participants This study is part of a more extensive longitudinal study aimed at profiling patients with ACS and hypertension in terms of a series of behavioral,...