We visualize scientific breakthroughs with painstaking accuracy for Nobel laureates, the Nature journal, and early-stage and Fortune 500 companies
Due to the transient effectiveness of some medications (TLR-4 antagonists, for example), repeated treatments can be difficult. These medicines are highly cost-effective –each 2-oz formula costs only US$120. The Prophylactic formula lasts 102 weeks (almost 2 years) …youth & adults need 2 ...
Services: Pharmacy, Smoking Cessation, Diabetics Patient Care Program IMM 2 Jurong East Street 21, #01-57, IMM Singapore 609601 Opening Hours: Monday-Thursday 9:30am-10pm, Friday-Sunday 8:30am-10pm Opening Hours (Pharmacist): Monday-Sunday 10am-10pm Services: Pharmacy, Smoking Cessation, My...
3)感染性休克伴有高热者,给予物理降温,同时应用有效抗生素,注意观察药物疗效及副作用。 4)中毒性休克病人,迅速洗胃或做血液滤过,减少毒物吸收,促进毒物排出。 3.加强基础护理。 4.保证营养与热量的摄入 MODS病人机体处于高代谢状态,应给予高蛋白质和高热量的食物。不能经口进食者,可经鼻饲管或胃肠造口进行胃肠道内...
精选病例系列带您了解ICU镇痛镇静治疗典型病例,本期关注:《把你做好真的很难,一例重症胰腺炎合并MODS患者的镇痛镇静》。 病史概况 患者男性,37岁,BMI 25,既往体健。主诉:腹痛、腹胀4天,呼吸困难并少尿2天。患者2017-10-26大量饮酒后,出现腹痛、腹胀不适,外院治疗2天病情加重,出现呼吸困难,少尿,于2017-10-30...
HERMODSSOYN, PER~SONBM (1998).Cost of prostheses in patients with unilateral transtibial amputation for vascular diseases: a popuIation-basedfollow-up during 8 years of 112 patients. Acru OrthopScand 69,603-607.Hermodsson, Y., and B. M. Persson. 1998. "Cost of Prostheses in Patients...
We visualize scientific breakthroughs with painstaking accuracy for Nobel laureates, the Nature journal, and early-stage and Fortune 500 companies
Hepatitis associated antigen (HAA) in acute viral hepatitis. Scand J Infect Dis 1971; 3: 93-101.Iwarson, S., Hermodsson, S. Hepatitis Associated Antigen (HAA) in acute viral hepatitis-i-Sero- logical and clinical studies. Scand. J. Infect. Dis. 3:93-101, 1971....
大多数基于培养的结核病诊断方法仍然是中低收入国家的低成本选择。显微镜观察药物敏感性检测(micros-copic observation drug susceptibility assay,MODS)技术是一种快速且低成本的结核病诊断和药物敏感性测定方法。然而,由于浓缩培养基所需供应品的可及性较低,其应用受到限制。