The Master of Science in Healthcare Management and Informatics (MSHMI) is the first of its kind in Georgia and one of the best MS in healthcare management programs in the United States! The MSHMI degree integrates information technology, computing, data analytics, and healthcare delivery ...
健康保健管理硕士(Master of Science in Health Care Management), University of New Orleans (新奥尔良大学): 培养精通医疗 …|基于8个网页 2. 健康管理硕士 2. 推荐项目:健康管理硕士(Master of Science in Health Care Management) (MHCM)3. 学校名称:California Takshila Universit…xima...
芝加哥大学(University of Chicago)是一所享誉全球的顶尖私立研究型大学,其精准健康硕士(Master of Science in Precision Health)项目开设在Institute for Population and Precision Health(IPPH)下,项目时长为1年。主要在广泛的人口健康视角的背景下,将新兴技术和研究方法应用于精准医学,以改善疾病预防和健康促...
Master of Science in Public Health是由耶鲁大学的公共卫生学院开设的项目。基于领域的交叉学科性质,公共健康硕士项目的课程由公共卫生学院下的7个院系联合提供∶ 生物统计系Biostatistics 慢性病流行病学系Chronic Disease Epidemiology 健康科学系Environmental Health Sciences 微生物疾病的流行病学系Epidemiology of ...
USC健康数据科学项目The Master of Science in Healthcare Data Science 是由USC Keck医学院和Viterbi工程...
Master data science and business innovation in healthcare Accelerate your career with a healthcare degree program. TheMaster of Science in Healthcare Innovation & Data Scienceoffers advanced training inhealthcare managementand in themanagement of innovation(development of new products and services, introd...
在美国公卫学院,供学生攻读的学位种类繁多,大部分学院比较常见的学位MPH(Master of Public Health) 、MSPH(Master ofScience Public Health)、PHD、MHA(Masterof Healthcare Administration)、MS(Master Science)。 更多详细的请见下表(引自ASPH最新公共卫生报告...
Health Care Management Science publishes research dealing with health care delivery, health care management, and health care policy, with a focus on methods from operations research and management science. Applies techniques from management science, operations research, analytics, machine learning, and oth...
Health Care Management Global Health 2、Master of Science in Public Health (MSPH): Epidemiology Global Epidemiology Biostatistics Health Policy and Health Services Research 就业情况: Emory的Career Service做得也比较不错,从简历制作,cover letter的写作都有文件指导,而且学校的也会举办就业招聘会Career Fair, ...