主要以交叉领域的为主,比如healthcare consulting,但这个细分在我们国内很少,所以指望通过这个项目就在大...
网络释义 1. 健康管理 马来亚大学... ... 综合管理 General Management健康管理Healthcare Management旅游管理 Hospitality and Tourism Manage… www.gsaedu.org|基于26个网页 2. 医疗管理 医疗管理,Medical... ... ) Medical management 医疗管理 )healthcare management医疗管理) managed care 管理医疗 ... ...
医疗保健管理 Health Care Management 约翰霍普金斯大学医疗保健管理理学硕士 (MSHCM) 旨在帮助学生评估和采取行动,以创新和提高医疗保健部门的生产力。 MSHCM是世界上唯一一个可以利用约翰霍普金斯大学及其一流的医学院、护理学院和公共卫生学院的资源、声誉和经验的商学院学位课程,它能够教授学生最相关的商业技能,使他们...
Professionalizing Arts Management in Healthcare FacilitiesAn urgent need exists for trained specialists to manage organizational policies and practices involving arts programs and activities in healthcare facilities. This article introduces the field of arts in health and argues for what is currently ...
Management in health care: development of three level academic programmesManagement in health care: development of three level academic programmesstudy programhelth care managementundergraduategraduate study programRapid changes in both the society and health care system requirenew qualified professionals who ...
Bachelor’s –Four years in length; delivers a good all-round education in both healthcare and business specific areas as well as general liberal arts coursework designed to improve your critical-thinking and problem-solving skills. The higher-level management and executive roles in virtually any ...
录取结果:约翰霍普金斯大学Health Care Management硕士$20,000奖学金 精准定位,制胜名校! 立刻扫描下方二维码,开启一对一留学咨询~ 约翰霍普金斯大学介绍 约翰霍普金斯大学成立于1876年,主校区位于美国马里兰州巴尔的摩市,是全美乃至西半球第一所...
西安交通大学“健康-管理”交叉研究团队(Healthcare Management)2023年招聘3名博士后公告,01项目介绍2019年,我国开始实施“健康中国”战略,提升全民健康水平,保障国民身体健康。“健康中国行动” 2023年工作要点强调坚持关口前移,深入推进实施全民健康生活方式行动,