Simply complete a quick form to get started with a quote for your small business. A UnitedHealthcare representative will get in touch and work with you to help find group health insurance options that best fit your business. Request a quote ...
the small business pays out-of-pocket for each claim as it arises under the self-funded insurance option. It increases the financial risk to the small business, but depending on the size of your enterprise, it might be more cost effective in the long term. ...
group health insurance is designed for businesses with multiple employees, but certain insurance providers and states allow “groups” to be as small as two people, which can include the business owner and one employee. This scenario is particularly...
How to Choose the Best Healthcare Plan for Your Small Business Choosing a health insurance option for your employees can seem like a daunting task. Before you begin, ask yourself the following questions: f What options is your company eligible to offer? How much are you willing to spend on...
Does your small business need better health insurance? Get dependable health benefits for your employees, including medical, dental, vision & more.
A mail survey, which generated 270 responses from Virginia small business CEOs, reveals that the vast majority (95%) offer their full-time employees the opportunity to enroll in a health care insurance plan through their employer. The typical premium for employee-only coverage is from $75-99,...
Small business health insurance plan options offered by UnitedHealthCare include: UnitedHealthcare Choice–An EPO type plan using UnitedHealthCare’s national network. It features fixed copayments and low out-of-pocket costs for services received from the plan’s national network of providers...
Small Business Health Insurance in Missouri with 3-30 employees. Learn all your options to keep your expenses as low as possible!
A self-funded health plan is a way for small businesses to offset the rising costs of healthcare. Small businesses who employ a healthy workforce can take advantage of discounted health insurance premiums while still maintaining the predictable costs and financial protection of fully insured health ...
Offeringhealth insuranceas asmall businessowner can yield tangible and intangible benefits. A good healthcare plan can be a strong incentive when attempting to attract top talent to your business. Employees may feel a deeper sense of job satisfaction in knowing they have healthcare benefits if they...