India has adopted universal health coverage and has introduced schemes like Ayushman Bharat, a National Health Protection Mission to provide health insurance to 500 million people,3 which includes financial support for screening and treating mental illnesses. Those who need care for mental illness ...
The paper states that the ability of India’s middle-class population to afford healthcare services has reduced due to the contracting economy and job losses. It adds that the middle-class population has low insurance coverage, which means that majority of their healthcare expenditure is paid fro...
The Care student travel insurance now offers coverage for medical expenses related to Covid-19. The Care Covid student travel insurance coverage for all travellers is available up to the limits mentioned in the policy schedule when the insured is outside the Republic of India. Medical expenses...
Universal Sompo Complete Healthcare Insurance 1 day to 70 years INR 1 lakh to INR 10 lakhs Accidental dental expenses are covered under the policyCoverage for OPD expensesVaccination coverage against animal bites How to buy health insurance online? When investing in a health insurance plan, it is...
The study examined the relationship between health insurance coverage and access to needed healthcare including preventive, primary, and tertiary care among Chinese adult population. Data for this study came from the 2018 China Health and Retirement Long
Methods: A total of 1122 HCW (approximately 25% of the employees) of a large tertiary care hospital in India were recruited for this cross-sectional study. COVID PCR-positive HCW were excluded. Based on their risk-assessment, participants were grouped into three categories. A questionnaire was...
Buying a health insurance policy in India will help you to protect yourself financially during a medical emergency that may occur in a year. The best health insurance plan can bear the cost of hospitalization, day care treatment costs, expenses incurred during the surgeries, charges for ambulance...
NEW DELHI, April 11 (Xinhua) -- India is well equipped to fight the COVID-19 as it has enough stocks of Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) doses, adequate number of isolation beds and ICU (intensive care unit) beds, announced a senior official in the country's Ministry of Health and Family Welfar...
With over 1.3 billion people, India is the second-largest country in terms of population in the world. Experts said that its healthcare infrastructure is not adequate to tackle the COVID-19 outbreak at a major scale. "It is concerning that infrastructure, such as hospital beds, intensive care...
Impact of COVID-19 on healthcare and health insurance According to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), COVID-19 can become life-threatening for people with low immunity, cancer, diabetes, asthma, and other pre-existing medical conditions. The disease has already affected more than 140 ...