Retirement outlook:With the money they are saving in Nora’s HSA, Nora and Joe are feeling better prepared for health care in retirement. They will be able to take tax-free withdrawals from Nora’s HSA to pay for qualified health care expenses and preserve more of the money in their 401(...
The article focuses on a statement by Ron Gettelfinger, president of the United Auto Workers that the union will not give any more concessions on health care benefits, especially for retirees. He was referring to a deal the union struck with Ford and General Motors in 2005 in which, in ...
Health care expenses may be one of the most underestimated yet significant financial challenges to living the retirement lifestyle you envision. Prepare for your future today.
While $130,000 - or more - in additional healthcare costs in retirement can sound like an astronomical figure, the good news is that there are ways to plan for these expenses. But the key is actually having a plan. Going head first into retirement without knowing how you will handle ...
Without a solid healthcare plan, living longer might turn into a burden. As you age, heathcare costs can eat up a big chunk of your spending, and that’s not the retirement dream anyone has in mind. Onestudyshowed that between 2009 and 2019, out-of-pocket healthcare costs for adults ...
There are small steps you can take now to help you become more financially secure in retirement. 1. Maintain a healthy lifestyle. It's obvious advice, but it bears repeating. If you make an effort to stay active and eat healthy, you'll likely spend less on health care than someone who...
Start with two simple steps, Dean says. "There needs to be a better acknowledgement that paying for health care in retirement is a pretty major issue and something they need to incorporate as part of their (financial) plan. The next step is to do an estimate as to what these costs will...
2021年11月2日下午,对外经济贸易大学周钦副教授受经济学院邀请线上为大家带来了一场题为“Healthcare Utilization at Retirement in China”的学术讲座。经济学院百余名师生通过腾讯会议线上聆听,反响热烈。 讲座开始后,周钦老师谈到现在健康、人...
The report, titled "Retirement Well-being: A Kenyan Perspective", also raises concern over whether the government and industry players are doing enough to address the issue of availability and affordability of healthcare in retirement. The study aims at identifying and describing the general meaning...
Factoring in health care expenses is a critical part of retirement planning. A 65-year-old couple retiring in 2015 is projected to need savings of approximately $245,000 to cover their health care insurance and out-of-pocket costs in retirement. The first thing to do is to learn about what...