Health Care in Guatemaladoi:10.1097/DCR.0000000000001105García GirónManuel AlejandroDiseases of the Colon & Rectum
AVAILABILITYCOSTOFHEALTHCARE istransmittedbyaedesmosquitoes,which GoodmedicalcareisavailableinGuatemalabitepredominantlyduringthedaytimeand City,butoptionsarelimitedelsewhere.Inareusuallyfoundclosetohumanhabitations, general,privatehospitalsaremorereliableoftenindoors.Theybreedprimarilyinarti- ...
Beginning in 1997, the government of Guatemala extended coverage of a package of basic health services to 3 million people living in rural, impoverished, and primarily indigenous communities through three different delivery models: contracting of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) to directly provide se...
Spain is known for having one of the top healthcare systems in the world. In 2009, it was ranked as the 7th best in the world by the World Health Organization. The country has a universal healthcare system. Basic medical services are free, but if you have a surgery, stay overnight, ...
In recent work, Macq et al. [5] analyzed the impact of public sector contracting of external health care providers on equity and efficiency in the provision of publicly funded health care, and more generally, on governance in the public sector in Guatemala. The authors concluded that ...
The Instancia Nacional de Salud (INS) is a grassroots proposal for an alternative primary healthcare system for Guatemala. Current project implementation is in 40 communities in 2 regions of Guatemala; the present investigation is situated in K'iche' Mayan communities of the Boca Costa de Solol...
In addition, understanding community patterns of healthcare-seeking behavior (for example who in the community are the first points-of-care for villagers with RI) and reporting would improve public health practice in the community. This survey was conducted to provide better direction for Lao ...
40 Guatemala 67.3 120.2 41 Philippines 67.3 120.4 42 Hong Kong (China) 66.1 120.2 43 Slovenia 66.1 122.0 44 India 65.5 117.1 45 Jordan 65.2 117.2 46 Oman 65.1 116.5 47 Italy 65.1 117.7 48 Croatia 64.7 117.9 49 Costa Rica 64.3 115.9 50 South Africa 63.8 115.1 51 Lebanon 63.7 118.7 52 Chi...
In Guatemala, the Health Coverage Extension Pro- gram (PEC), with an emphasis on mother and child care, seeks to counteract a limited state offer in a coun- try where 57% of the population still resorts to private services (PAHO, 2010). In this case, care networks not only seek to ...
In order to achieve a higher and more equitable level of social services in the population, health and nutrition sectors, thereby contributing to a higher level of economic development, Guatemala must attempt to tackle the sectors' problems in an integrated development package. This report examines ...