Health Care for US MilitaryWASHINGTON, DC, United States (AP) - A military built for fighting wars is looking more and more like a health care entitlement program.Manila Bulletin
Most who enter the military are looking for fulfilling work—an opportunity to make a difference. Arealdifference. But few civilian careers allow veterans to make as much of a difference as those found in healthcare. That’s because working in this particular field, regardless of the role, pro...
Military recommends healthcare overhaul.Reports on the refocusing of the United States military's health force on supporting combat missions and shift to private providers the burden of peacetime healthcare for members of the military, their families and retirees. Refocusing as one response to the ...
Military healthcare initiatives, including the common EHR and virtual-first care, are discussed by Dr. Brian Lein, DHA assistant director of healthcare administration, Bill Tinston, FEHRM director, and Holly Joers PEO DHMS program executive officer. ...
Health insurance is a topic most military members don’t have to think much about while they are serving. Their health care needs are taken care of for them and their families so they can concentrate on their duties. But things change quickly once you remove your uniform for the last time...
More funding for mental health care of military personnel Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ)Eggertson, Laura
For the first time in nearly 20 years, members of the U.S. military might have to pay more for healthcare.
Increases in the number of women in critical positions on military missions place new demands for specialised healthcare services to promote performance. The main health problems servicewomen facing are musculoskeletal injuries, reproductive diseases, iron deficiency and mental health problems. Herein, we...
With a downsized military and an aging beneficiary population, the Military Health System (MHS) is reinventing itself in an effort to optimize its resources and provide quality care. Their task is daunting: incorporate and value the cultures of the three military services healthcare systems, standar...
Veteran hospitals and military care facilities face growing challenges such as payer denials,RACaudits, State andCMSpenalties, and shared risk business models. For more than 30 years, MCG Health has offered unbiased clinical decision support and technology that help organizations protect members of our...