Migrant workers form an important part of Singapore's workforce. However, they also face a number of challenges as temporary migrant workers in the city-state, including access to health care coverage. For instance, they are not entitled to medical subsidies that are often covered by healthcare...
Access tomental health caremust also be improved she said, by engaging with refugee and migrant communities and offering choices and pathways regarding care and providers. "Care itself needs to be strengthened through improving the capacity of health care workers to assess and treat mental health co...
Which statement is true about health care services for migrant workers? a. Clinics are usually found within walking distance from work. b. Undocumented workers fear deportation when using clinics. c. Health care records are kept by workers to allow for continuation of services. ...
Much of the unskilled and semi-skilled workforce in Thailand comprises migrant workers from neighbouring countries. While, in principle, healthcare facilities in the host country are open to those migrants registered with the Ministry of Labour, their actual healthcare-seeking preferences and practices...
Currently, migrant workers have become an important part of China's labor market with a significant impact on the country's economic growth and social stability. However, their health status and healthcare utilization behavior have not been paid enough attention. Some studies show that migrant ...
reproductive health of migrant workers faces a lot of problems.Therefore,the study of reproductive health for this group still needs to be strengthened and the thoughts should be broadened.The final purpose of health protection of migrant workers should be achieved via investigation and study with ...
Health Needs of Migrant Workers in Wisconsin A survey of Wisconsin's migrant workers was conducted to obtain demographic information, to determine unmet health care needs, and to make recommendations ... DP Slesinger - Bureau of Community Health, Division of Health, P.O. Box 309, Madison, WI...
Many migrant workers have precarious access to health care and coverage that isdependent on a specific employer. Those laid off for any reason, including due to illness, may lose health coverage or avoid seeking care for fear of being deported. ...
Health workers and human rights advocates are urging the federal and provincial governments to extend public health insurance to all people living in Canada, regardless of immigration status, as outbreaks of COVID-19 among migrant workers escalate.
385 An overlooked priority: the occupational health and safety of migrant workers Background Over the last decade, the number of international migrants has increased by more than 60% globally (150 to 232 million). Generally low-skilled o......