什么意思_英语health... ...health care delivery system保健提供系统health care delivery and management 保健的实施和管理 ... dict.youdao.com|基于3个网页 2. 卫生保健提供系统 卫生服务研究发展较晚,是研究在卫生保健提供系统(health care delivery system)中如何发展和应用现代医学知识、技术。通过 … ...
A healthcare delivery system that embodies methods of empowering collaborative multidisciplinary healthcare and the clinics that support them for providing everyday care to patients with chronic conditions, through in part by eliminating the current referral system to multiple specialists and providing ...
The American Journal of Managed Care provides insights into the latest news and research in managed care across multimedia platforms.
Healthcaredeliveryhasbeengreatlyimpactedbyescalatingcosts,resultinginmedicalnecessityrequirements,reviewofappropriatenessofadmissions,andrequirementforadministrationofqualityandeffectivetreatments.3 MRXO 在臨床醫學中,進行手術時同時使用磁振造影並整合各種影像技術是目前最熱門的醫療概念。新式的「未來手術室」中,安裝有全球...
A health care delivery system refers to the formal arrangements and systems put in place to provide health care services to specific populations. It encompasses the various actors and components involved in delivering health care, as well as the different types and characteristics of these systems. ...
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【医学PPT课件】Health care delivery system Chapter1:HealthCareDeliverySystemsFeipeiLaiNationalTaiwanUniversity 1 HealthCareDeliverySystems HistoryofMedicineandHealthcareDelivery ContinuumofCareHealthCareFacilityOwnershipHealthCareFacilityOrganizational StructureLicensure,Regulation,andAccreditation 2 Introduction Healthcare...
Larkin Health System is an integrated healthcare delivery system accredited by the Joint Commission with locations in South Miami, Hialeah and Hollywood, Florida.
Expertise Across the Healthcare Delivery System Accelerating Better Outcomes Technological Ingenuity. Clinical expertise. Public sector health knowledge. Redefining what it means to be a vital partner. This is a search field with an auto-suggest feature attached....
必应词典为您提供Integrated-health-care-delivery-system的释义,网络释义: 整合性健康照护体系;整合性健康照顾体系;整合式健康照护体系;