Related to Health care proxy:Durable power of attorney advance directive a declaration by a person in relation to medical treatment (usually to instruct that it stop) to provide for a situation in which he might himself be unable to comment, e.g. the so-calledliving will.The US Supreme Cou...
Define Health-care proxy. Health-care proxy synonyms, Health-care proxy pronunciation, Health-care proxy translation, English dictionary definition of Health-care proxy. n. A legal document in which the signer designates another person to make decisions
Define health care proxy. health care proxy synonyms, health care proxy pronunciation, health care proxy translation, English dictionary definition of health care proxy. n. A legal document in which the signer designates another person to make decisions
Define health-care. health-care synonyms, health-care pronunciation, health-care translation, English dictionary definition of health-care. also health·care n. The prevention, treatment, and management of illness and the preservation of mental and physi
Looking for online definition of Health-care proxy in the Medical Dictionary? Health-care proxy explanation free. What is Health-care proxy? Meaning of Health-care proxy medical term. What does Health-care proxy mean?
Healthcare rationing by proxy: costeffectiveness analysis and the misuse of the $50 000 threshold in the US. Pharmacoeconomics 2010; 28 (3): 175–84Bridges JF, Onukwugha E, Mullins CD. Healthcare rationing by proxy: cost-effectiveness analysis and the misuse of the $50,000 threshold in ...
Related to Health care proxy: Durable power of attorneyCategory filter: AcronymDefinition HCP HUD (Housing and Urban Development) Consolidated Plan HCP Habitat Conservation Plan HCP Health Care Provider HCP HSBC (Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation) Climate Partnership HCP Hana Cloud Platform ...
Time to update your health care proxy? Learn why you need 3 key health forms: a living will, a health care proxy, and HIPAA. Content Type:Article Reading Time 5 min Save Health care proxies for adult children A critical tool for those with kids of legal age. Content Type:Article...
In health law: Relationship of law and ethics …be known as a “health care proxy.” In this document, an individual may provide someone else (such as a close relative or friend) with the authority to make decisions about medical treatment should he become incompetent to act on his own be...
Define Health care professional. Health care professional synonyms, Health care professional pronunciation, Health care professional translation, English dictionary definition of Health care professional. Noun 1. health care provider - a person who helps