Body image a powerful motivator for weight management for women First Nations from Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba Medved MI, Brockmeier J, Morach J, Chartier-Courchene L. Broken heart stories: understanding Aboriginal women’s cardiac problems. Qual Health Res 2013;23:1613-25. Qualitative ...
Finally, Minnesota that has a population equal to that of Saskatchewan has health care twice that of the Canadian province (with a 1/4 of the population not having access to health care). Minnesota’s (Republican) Governor is looking at the Saskatchewan model as a solution… maybe there is ...
Eligibility was assessed according to four inclusion criteria: 1) 18 years or older at the time of going abroad for medical care; 2) a holder of a provincial/territorial medical card; 3) someone who had accessed a surgical procedure outside of Canada that was neither a transplantation nor a...