新手一枚,请问怎么查找提交给Health Canada的DMF的状态,active or inactive?谢谢!
List of Approved drugs of Astrazeneca Plc listed with Health Canada in the Drug Product Database (DPD)
Table 2. Descriptive data analysis regarding the oral health status of Romanian SO athletes. The proportion of caries-free athletes varied between 5.9% (Târgoviște, 2018) and 21.7% (Craiova, 2014), while the mean DMF-T values ranged between 4.27 (Craiova, 2014) and 7.71 (Baia Mare...
The findings from Germany and Canada suggest that about one-fifth of consumers are ready to consider carbon information in their food choice [31]. A cluster of about one-third of UK consumers was found to show concern for sustainability and was interested in carbon labelling [30]. A message...
Zein nanofibers have been developed by e-spinning through the use of alcohols such as aqueous methanol and ethanol and other solvents such as acetic acid, formic acid, and dimethylformamide (DMF) [16]. To improve the physicochemical characteristic of zein nanofibers, this protein has been coupled...
For this, it was decided to use the Unique Identifier (UID) of the tag to manage the storage of the information corresponding with the database in order to augment the security of the RFID system, given that an external reader cannot access the information relating to the progress of the ...
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 9–14 July 2017; pp. 612–619. 16. Makhija, S.; Wadhwa, B. Mood Board: An IoT based Group Mood Evaluation Tool. In Proceedings of the 2019 4th Internationa Conference on Internet of ...
In Proceedings of the Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 7–10 December 2009. 12. Krizhevsky, A.; Sutskever, I.; Hinton, G.E. Imagenet classification with deep convolutional neural networks. In Proceedings of the Advances in Neural Information Processing ...