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Canadian Health&Care Mall – online meds with 10-20% OFF. Pharmacy based in Canada operating online and offering generous discounts for high quality medication products with an added value of confidential and trackable delivery.
NHP License Experts (a division of Quality Smart Solutions) has successfully registered over 8000 Natural Health Products (NHPs) since 2007 serving over 20000 clients globally. We offer a complete solution so you can legally sell your NHP in Canada. This includes licensing your health product, en...
Cardinal Health improves the cost-effectiveness of healthcare. We help focus on patient care while reducing costs, enhancing efficiency and improving quality.
Organika Health Products is a Canadian leader in quality vitamin, supplement, and functional food products. As your natural solution, we source the finest ingredients to produce healthy products for consumers across Canada and world-wide.
Increase of public interest in herbal remedies; Focus of the newly created division.GrayCharlotteEBSCO_AspCmaj Canadian Medical Association JournalGray C. Natural health products get own directorate at Health Canada. CMAJ 2000;163:77.
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