Traditional uses and benefits of spreading sneezeweed The plant is anodyne, antitussive, depurative, diuretic, stimulates blood circulation. When the aroma of the squeezed flower heads is inhaled it induces sneezing and so is used to relieve nasal congestion, especially during coughs and colds. Past...
Traditional uses and benefits of Sneezeweed Sneezeweed leaves and flowers are used as medicine for their anti-inflammatory, astringent, diaphoretic, and anti-parasitic properties. Dried flowers have been traditionally used as a snuff to create sneezing to relieve congestion and clear nasal passages du...
Health benefits of smoking cessation Quitting smoking reduces the risk of overall mortality among adult smokers, with health benefits observed even among smokers who quit after the age of 65 years or after the development of a tobacco-related disease 13, 73, 83. The greatest mortality benefit occ...
Benefits of in-home primary care Updated: Oct. 22, 2024 at 1:01 AM GMT+8 | ByTim Guidera An increasing number of seniors are finding it easier to manage their health right at home with in-home primary care. Morning Break Keepers of the Flame holds survivors fashion show ...
April 26, 2018 A popular meme outlines the purported benefits of living in Sweden. Read More Did President Trump Sign an Executive Order Giving Veterans Free Care at Any Hospital? Written by: Dan Evon March 9, 2018 A viral Facebook post exaggerated efforts to give military veterans affor...
Maintaining a comfortable humidity level in your home provides several health benefits. Balanced humidity levels keep your skin and nasal passages hydrated, reducing itchiness, sneezing, and general irritation. Correct humidity also reduces annoying static electricity. However, you can’t turn on a humi...
This may hold additional benefits for the individual. What conditions can Bladder Training alleviate? Bladder training can be effective for different conditions. The primary goal of the technique is to help with bladder control. This means the technique is essentially aimed at people with issues ...
April 26, 2018 A popular meme outlines the purported benefits of living in Sweden. Read More Did President Trump Sign an Executive Order Giving Veterans Free Care at Any Hospital? Written by: Dan Evon March 9, 2018 A viral Facebook post exaggerated efforts to give military veterans affor...
Health Effects Benefits Side Effects Additional Tips For smokers, quitting is — by far — the most important step you can take to improve your health as well as that of your family. Maybe you're worried about the harm cigarettes... Read More Lung Cleanse: 10 Ways to Detox Your Lungs...
Air purifier health benefits Our founder was inspired by the clean, fresh, and healthy air of the Stockholm archipelago. As he stood on the beach taking deep breaths, he asked himself, “How can I bring this clean air to my family in the city?” Breathing clean, fresh air is good for...