The fruit consists of four smooth cylindrical to ovoid, black nutlets. Black horehound is hermaphrodite (has both male and female organs) and like many other plants in the mint family, it is attractive to bees, butterflies, and other insects. Plant Parts Used: The aerial parts of black hore...
Health Benefits and Therapeutic Uses of Black Locust Various parts of the black locust tree have different uses. They can be used to purify the body, cure spasms and encourage proper flow of bile. Some of the well known health benefits and therapeutic uses of black locust are as follows; Th...
Besides their powerful immune health benefits, one of the best things about mushrooms is that there are so many kinds of them. Of course, you knowportabella mushroomsin some of your childhood favorites. But there is more to mushrooms than that. Many kinds of mushrooms are considered superfoods...
States, more sophisticated scientific resources reveal the many health benefits of hemp and hemp seeds. A longstanding prohibition against industrial or medical use of cannabis contributes to an illusion that we’re just beginning to discover the healing properties of hemp. In fact, Hildegard of ...
Medicinal Uses & Benefits of Horseradish Root Medicinal Uses:* Athletes Foot/Ringworm* Bladder Infection (UTI)* Bronchitis* Congestion* Cough* Gout* Herpes/Cold Sores* Scabies Properties:* Antibacterial* Antiscorbutic* Bitter* Circulation* Diaphoretic* Diuretic* Expectorant* Rubefacient* Stimulant ...
Health benefits of the banyan tree also result in the treatment of female sterility. In this treatment the roots of the banyan tree should be dried and then ground to a fine powder which should then be mixed with five times the quantity of milk and consumed for three nights consecutively aft...
Ayurvedic Health benefits of Gumplant Asthma: Take sundew, grindelia and milk thistle. Prepare decoction. Drink 2-3 times a day. Asthma: Take Verbascum Thapsus and Grindelia. Prepare decoction. Drink 2-3 times a day. Bronchitis: Make a decoction of Ipecacuanha, White horehound, Coltsfoot and...
In 1973, Solaray began to formulate herbal blends for specific health benefits. Over the years, Solaray pioneered many innovative products and has become a trusted full-line dietary supplement brand found in health and natural food stores all around the world. True to our commitment to stay leadi...
Carried when looking for a new job or when asking your boss for a raise or benefits. Add it to a conjure bag filled with Luck-Herbs and wear it when asking for a raise or seeking promotion. $5.00 HER-GRV-ROOT Name of Herb: Hawthorn Berries Use in Magic: Sprinkle around the home ...
Carried when looking for a new job or when asking your boss for a raise or benefits. Add it to a conjure bag filled with Luck-Herbs and wear it when asking for a raise or seeking promotion. $5.00 HER-GRV-ROOT Name of Herb: Hawthorn Berries Use in Magic: Sprinkle around the home ...