E-bikeElectrically-assisted bicycleHealthPhysical activityElectrically assisted bicycles (e-bikes) have been highlighted as a method of active travel that could overcome some of the commonly reported barriers to cycle commuting. The objective of this systematic review was to assess the health benefits ...
While we need more research on how e-biking benefits specific health parameters—likeblood pressureand cholesterol levels—getting in more physical activity has plenty of benefits for your general wellbeing, with little downsides. Monique Lebrun ...
While swimming laps at the local pool, hitting the gym or dropping in on a gym class are all effective ways to achieve the aforementioned mental health benefits of exercise, there’s another reason biking might be the way to go. A2011 studydetermined that partaking in physical activity outsid...
Ebikes' health benefits and fun values outweigh their cost.A growing number of U. S. bike riders are attracted to electric bikes for convenience, health benefits and their fun factor. Although ebikes first appeared in the 90s, cheaper options and longer-lasting batteries are breathing new life...
Not all airli es are bicycle-friendly to travellers.Health Benefits of Bicycling:It helps to prevent heart diseases.Bicycding helps to control your weight. A 15-minute bike ride to an d from work three times a week burns off five kilos of fat in a year.Bicycling can improve your mo...
Making simple changes to how you live doesn’t cost much or take up lots of time. Anyone can___them. ● Talk about your feelings. It can help you stay in good mental health. It isn’t a sign of___, but part of your ability to do what you can to stay healthy. ●...
All of these stories are exciting and inspirational, and illustrate the point that electric bikes are not something to be scorned – instead, they are a way to make the joys and benefits of cycling available to a much larger number of people. And that’s a wonderful thing!
The University of Colorado study shows the benefits of folding exercise into everyday life. “Commuting with a pedelec can help individuals incorporate physical activity into their day without requiring them to set aside time specifically for exercise,” lead author James Petermantold the Colorado Univ...
Health benefits of electrically-assisted cycling: a systematic review Electrically assisted bicycles (e-bikes) have been highlighted as a method of active travel that could overcome some of the commonly reported barriers to c... JE Bourne,S Sarah,P Rachel,... - 《International Journal of Behavio...
While many of these benefits apply to all bikes and types of cycling, we also have a guide to thebenefits of riding an ebike. 27 reasons to take up cycling in 2024 1. Helps you get fit and healthy Cycling is a great way to get fit, whether you ride on gravel trails or cycle to...