Tea for healthier teeth. Ah, coffee is delicious. But if you want white teeth, you better avoid drinking it every day. Instead, you can take a cup of white tea. It’s the less processed tea variety and contains a high amount of fluoride and antioxidants. White tea, just like black an...
Although there are some downsides to drinking coffee, such as the potential for sleeplessness, insomnia, and a minor increase in cholesterol, you’ll likely find that the benefits outweigh the risk factors. If you needed an excuse to go grab another cup of coffee, choose one of these science...
The Health Benefits of Drinking Coffee Coffee provides a myriad of health benefits that may surprise you. First and foremost, coffee is packed with antioxidants. These powerful compounds help to fight off harmful free radicals in the body, reducing the risk of chronic illnesses. Additionally, studi...
Health benefits of drinking coffee — in moderation Moderate coffee consumptionhas some benefits: Reduced risk of prediabetes Reduced risk of liver disease May lower risk of developing some cancers May improve cognitive function, including mood, reaction time and general mental function ...
These like nail-biting, smoking, drinking coffee, chewing hard sweets, grinding your teeth, chewing ice, and more are harmful to your oral health in ways that you may not know. A dentist can perform a thorough checkup and identify some of the oral problems caused by some of these habits...
Until the scientific community reaches a general agreement on the effects of coffee consumption on human health,it will be up to the inpidual to decide whether the benefits of drinking coffee are greater than the risks.When informed of these possible health benefits and harms of drinking coffee,...
The benefits for caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee is almost the same. But make sure you are drinking real coffee, not the coffee “concoctions” filled with health-harming sugars, fats, and artificial flavors. Stick to around 2 cups per day. ...
Pregnant women need to be especially careful as drinking two or more cups of coffee a day has been linked to miscarriage, and may result in lower weight babies. Here’s the bottom line: If you enjoy coffee, and can tolerate it, then some very good studies indicate that you might reduce...
A number of studies have found drinking enough to avoid mild dehydration helps support brain function and our ability to do simple tasks, such as problem-solving. (ii) ‘Dehydration can impair cognitive function, memory and your ability to concentrate,’ says Holly who adds that keeping fluid ...
Many women and men experience heartburn after drinking coffee because it increases the secretion of uric acid, which increases the risk of stomach ulcers. Caffeine inhibits various enzymes’ absorption and activates urinary excretion of potassium, calcium, iron, and trace elements, all essential and ...