Ocimum americanum also called American Basil or hoary basil, is a species of flowering plant in the Lamiaceae (Mint Family). The plant comes from Africa, the Indian Subcontinent, China, Southeast Asia, and many places in the Americas, such as North America, Central America, and South America....
Extracts and oils offer the potent levels of the active ingredients required to make a meaningful impact on health. That doesn’t mean basil isn’t a healthy ingredient for your favorite meals; it just means that a normal dietary intake of basil is unlikely to produce the above health benefi...
Christmas Basil, Cinnamon Basil, Dark Opal Basil, Holy Basil, Lemon Basil, Lime Basil, Spicy Bush Basil, Purple Ruffles Basil, Round midnight Basil and Sweet Thai Basil are few of the most popular varieties of basil grown throughout the world because of its wonderful health promoting benefits....
This herb with minute small leaves gives a mild flavor and floral scent to salads and tomato dishes. There are many health benefits of this herb. It aids in curing cramps, diarrhea, constipation, nausea, etc. Thus, sweet marjoram can be included in your kitchen garden for sure. Take the ...
It highlights pepper, a family of hot spices under Capsicum genus, which found to have anti-inflammatory and pain-reducing effects. Also discussed are the benefits of basil, mint, and cinnamon.HallMcKenzieEnvironmental Nutrition
Houseplants that boost your mood, help you breathe easier, and keep away dust? Find out which indoor foliage can deliver health benefits.
Learn more about Calamint health benefits, uses, side effects, effectiveness, safety, precautions, and warnings
Sage is a member of the mint family, and its strong flavor means it usually gets used in small amounts. Other members of this family include oregano, rosemary, basil, and thyme. This herb’s history of medicinal use goes back centuries, and sage is full of surprising benefits and nutrient...
Are There Any Health Benefits of Having Pasta for Pregnant Women? Risks of Eating Pasta While Pregnant How to Handle Pasta Cravings While Pregnant? Healthy Pasta Recipes for Pregnant Women Guidelines for Safely Cooking and Serving Pasta Rightly When Pregnant FAQs Pasta is undeniably one of the most...
Mint-Julep Mint-chimchurri Mint-essential-oil Mint-flower Mint-powder Mint-seeds Mint-stem Mint-tea Mint seedlings Health Benefits of Mint Mint is known for its refreshing aroma and cool feel. Mint leaves are a great source of Vitamin C, A and E as well as beta carotene. Chewing leaves ...