Define Health Belief Model. Health Belief Model synonyms, Health Belief Model pronunciation, Health Belief Model translation, English dictionary definition of Health Belief Model. abbreviation for His Britannic Majesty Collins English Dictionary – Compl
beliefhealthmodel信念hbmperceived EvanBurkeTheHealthBeliefModelPage|1TheHealthBeliefModelTheHealthBeliefModel(HBM)isanintrapersonal(withintheindividual,knowledgeandbeliefs)theoryusedinhealthpromotiontodesigninterventionandpreventionprograms.Itwasdesignedinthe1950’sandcontinuestobeoneofthemostpopularandwidelyusedtheoriesin...
targeting individual voluntary behavior change, but the intention of changes in social structures that will facilitate individuals reaching their potential; thus the purpose of this article is to shed light on the uptake of the human papillomavirus (HPV) immunization using the health belief model (...
健康信念模型(Health Belief Model)认为,一个人是否会采纳一个健康行为,取决于四个要素:潜在的疾病的严重性,个人容 …|基于21个网页 3. 健康信仰模式 ...之间在流感疫苗接种率上差异的不断扩大,研究人员采用健康信仰模式(Health Belief Model),对5个不同种族(白种人、 … ...
Health Belief ModelBoskey, Elizabeth
Health Belief Modeldoi:Abraham, Charles and Sheeran, Paschal (2007) Health Belief ModelDonald H. LeinLori TurnerJereme Wilroycambridge university press
HealthBeliefModel Developedin1950sbyU.S.PublicHealthServiceandusedtoexplainwhypeoplefailedtoparticipateindiseasepreventionprogramsandresponsestodisease,diseasesymptoms,andadherencetomedicalregimensFocusesoncognitivevariables Value-ExpectancyTheory Value:DesiretoavoidillnessortogetwellExpectation:Beliefthataspecifichealth...
The purpose of this study was to test constructs of an enhanced version of the health belief model (HBM) in predicting juvenile delinquents' safer sex intentions. An accessible sample (n = 452) of incarcerated youth between the ages of 13-18 years from a midwestern state were subjects. HBM...
The health belief model (HBM) has been widely used to inform health education, social marketing, and health communication campaigns. Although the HBM can explain and predict an individual's willingness to engage in positive health behaviors, its application to, and penetration of the underlying cons...