2022年6月13日,英国卫生和社会保健部(The Department of Health and Social Care,以下简称“DHSC”)发布了名为《数据拯救生命:用数据重塑健康和社会护理》(Data saves lives: reshaping health and social care with data)的数据战略。该战略通过阐述七项基本原则,总结新冠疫情期间英国的数据驱动能力和创新经验,进而...
We connect health and social care professionals with researchers, citizens and associates to seed fund ideas and conduct collaborative research.
Social care providers NHS Foundation Trusts Residential, complex & nursing care facilities NHS Insourcing Specialist clinics Pharmacy providers Digital & telehealth providers Healthcare colleges & societies Regulators & government departments Risk Profile Improvement ...
The Department of Health and Social Care is carrying out a new programme, giving the National Health Service (NHS) and local councils in England £70 million to pay for up to 700,000 overweight or obese people to go on weight management courses, or work with a personal coach to help them...
How the NHS got better at freeing up beds A rare good news story for health and social care in England A HOSPITAL WARD is a great place to pick up an infection, become depressed or get out of shape. Unless you need urgent care, it is n...
NHS England, NHS Improvement and the Care Quality Commission are committed to and strongly endorse participation in UKAS accreditation. Discover Information for commissioners Read more Discover Information for patients Read more Health & Social Care industry accreditations Laboratory accreditation – ISO...
Our Commissioning Care solution - Access Adam Care, supports NHS bodies and local authorities with managing and commissioning for health and social care.
House of Commons (2003) Health and Social Care (Community Health and Standards) Bill, Bill 70, London: The Stationary Office.The Health and Social Care (Community Health and Standards) Bill, the enactment of which will establish Foundation NHS Trusts, was only narrowly passed in the House of...
Demands on Health and Social care are becoming more complex. We need to figure out what works and what doesn’t.
The NHS is a main component of safeguarding as well as the local commissioning group which is a core partner of the SAB. “The NHS has particular duties for patients less able to protect themselves from harm, neglect or abuse” (Skills or Care, n.d). Moreover, the contractors and commis...