Highfield e-learning’s care certificate is endorsed by Skills for Care and meets the knowledge requirement for all 15 standards.
Years of experience in the Health and social Care sector has built a wealth of experience in the needs of learners and how to meet them. All courses are based on regulatory approved learning resources. Learn Online at Your Own Pace Learn online in the comfort of your own home at your ow...
Think Tank Academy, are a leading accredited and award-winning training Academy in Health and Social Care.
Find Health & Social Care courses from companies that use coursecheck to collect and publish feedback from everyone they train.
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Break the stigma with free online mental health courses for positive change! The conversation around mental health is evolving, and the healthcare industry is growing rapidly in this domain. Gone are the days of dismissive phrases like 'Get over it' for depression or labelling anxious individuals...
Collins Health and Social Care AS for Edexcel is written specifically for the AS level Edexcel award. Endorsed by Edexcel, it covers both e single and double award. Compiled by a team of examiners and practitioners, this full-colour textbook is designed at exactly the right level to help you...
OCR Unit 2 Health & Social Care Revision Posted on March 14, 2013 Below are a number of revision booklets linked to Unit 1. Upload and work through these so that you have a clear understanding of the style of questions you may be asked in the examination. ‘Get your teacher to give ...
Health and wellness are the foundations for great outdoor adventures. Enjoy nutrition, training plans, and fitness tips from Outside's expert voices.
home care, health and social services provided to an ill ordisabledperson in the home that are intended to improve health andquality of life. Home careencompassesdifferent levels of care, from private-duty care (custodial care, or nonmedical in-home care), which involves the provision of assis...