The water quality in South Africa’s river systems is rapidly deteriorating as a consequence of increased discharge of wastewater effluents. The natural ability of rivers and reservoirs to trap toxic chemicals and nutrients in their sediments enables these systems to accumulate contaminants, altering the...
Identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBTa, for a complete terminology see Table1) is not genetically or biologically hazardous, but societal homophobia confers risk factors for LGBT people’s well being. Homophobia, the irrational fear and hatred of people who are attracted to th...
Identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBTa, for a complete terminology see Table1) is not genetically or biologically hazardous, but societal homophobia confers risk factors for LGBT people’s well being. Homophobia, the irrational fear and hatred of people who are attracted to th...
A further dilemma for services is to balance the needs of vulnerable clients with the health and safety of health workers who can be exposed to heat and bushfire risk during home visits. The projected increase in the number of high fire risk days in South Australia [49] is likely to ...