At Swissport, ensuring the health and safety of our employees and aviation collaboration partners is our utmost priority. To achieve this, we adhere to the highest standards of occupational health and safety in our daily service delivery. It is our goal to be recognized as the health and ...
Women-centric protective equipment key to safety, comfort 8th November 2024 By: Lumkile Nkomfe Following efforts by the mining industry to cater for the increased employment of women in the industry, women’s safety wear manufacturer Sisi Safety Wear is taking into account these trends and.....
Sedentary behavior can result in chronic health conditions such as obesity and heart diseases, bad news for the millions of office workers who are forced to sit behind their desks every day. In its simplest form, the term "sedentary behavior" describes sitting for too long and not breaking thi...
Ambient temperature during pregnancy and risk of maternal hypertensive disorders: a time-to-event study in Johannesburg, South Africa. Environ Res. 2022;212(Pt D):113596. doi:10.1016/j.envres.2022.113596 PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 56. Sun Z, Chen C, Xu D, Li T...
The aim of this qualitative study was to explore the experiences of informal PrEP users regarding access to PrEP and PrEP-related healthcare, community res
Dr Vilia Lyell qualified as a clinical social worker and then pursued further postgraduate studies in psychology, obtaining a Masters Degree and a Doctoral degree in Psychology. Vilia played a primary role as Director of Childline Johannesburg (Child abuse organisation) developing standards and protoco...
After affecting the world in unexpected ways, the virus has started mutating which is evident with the insurgence of its new variants. The governments, hos
Ultimately, Robinet is hopeful that the many benefits of digitalization and biohacking will help us all move towards a world in which care is prioritized. “The more we augment doctors and daily jobs, we are going to earn quality time which can be spent caring for others,” he says....
Patel L: The Gendered Character of Social Care in the Non-Profit Sector in South Africa | Publications | UNRISD. In; Johannesburg. 2009 van Ginneken N, Lewin S, Berridge V. The emergence of community health worker programmes in the late apartheid era in South Africa: an historical analysis...
Artisanal small-scale gold mining (ASGM) is a poverty-driven activity practiced in over 70 countries worldwide. Zimbabwe is amongst the top ten countries using large quantities of mercury to extract gold from ore. This analysis was performed to check dat