Culture, Health and Illness: Gender and ReproductionHELMAN, CGHelman, CGHelman, C
A body of research in the area of gender and health has now emerged, recognizing that the distinct categories of sex and gender are key to understanding the many and complex determinants of health and illness. This chapter discusses this development....
Understanding men's health and illness: a gender-relations approach to policy, research, and practice. Men''s health has emerged as an important public concern that may require new kinds of healthcare interventions and increased resources. Considerable uncer... T Schofield,RW Connell,L Walker,....
Gender is an essential determinant of health and illness. Gender awareness in doctors contributes to equity and equality in health and aims towards better health for men and women. Nevertheless, gender has largely been ignored in medicine. First, it is stated that medicine was ‘gender blind’ ...
Children's hospitalisation is difficult for the family and the immediate environment. In these cases, the provision of psychological support is particularly important. Chronically ill children who are regularly hospitalised are in a particularly difficul
As we have missing data due to attrition but also randomly missing data even for cases who completed the follow-up assessments, mean change is not the same as mean values at each timepoint. Because of the small sample size, we also computed pairwise effect sizes for all measures (between ...
Marital status and gender differences in managing a chronic illness: The function of health-related social control Marital status and gender differences in managing a chronic illness: the function of health-related social control. Soc Sci Med. 2010; 71 :1831–1838... ...
in both men and women after a myocardial infarction but there is a general paucity of data comparing gender differences in stressors and coping in MI patients. Therefore, the aim of this review is to scrutinize and summarize contemporary knowledge pertaining to gender differences in stressors and...
The review by Brooks et al3 pointed out that female gender, history of psychiatric illness, experiencing physical symptoms, concerns about relatives’ health, reduced social contact, lack of information, and financial loss were all associated with mental health disorders. In the context of the CO...
Everyone more or less dropped out from studies or work, and few needed to be taken care of during the worst period. The severity of these disabilities varied among the participants and during the illness phases. Despite individual variations, an overall pattern of illness trajectory emerged. Five...