3-19 Time of Day: Quarter Hour ... 3-19 Time of Day: Minutes ... 3-19 Time of Day: Seconds ...
Fig. 4: Resumption in services by the fourth quarter of 2020. Estimates in the cells represent the remaining level change compared to the average level pre-COVID-19 and are expressed as the percent difference from the average pre-COVID-19. The percent difference in quarter 4 of 2020 to th...
GE,通用家电GEHealthcareAestiva5OperationManual-Part2说明书用户手册用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册 GE Healthcare Aestiva/5 Operation Manual - Part 2 Software Revision 4.X Setup, Cleaning, Maintenance, Troubleshooting User Responsibility This Product will perform in conformity with the ...
11 We hypothesized, therefore, that the widening income gap between the 2 groups (the highest-resources group and the remainder of the population) may be an important contributor to the dynamics of health inequality in the United States during the first quarter of the 21st century.12 In ...
Overall, a quarter of households do nothing to treat their water prior to drinking. Eleven percent of households use a ceramic, sand, or other type of filter to filter their water prior to drinking. 2.3.2 Sanitation Facilities A household's toilet facility is classified as hygienic if it is...
In the absolute terms, UP is accounting for nearly a quarter of all maternal deaths in India [30]. In an outset, UP, the area of study was one of the states targeted for interventions under the Maternal and Child Health Sustainable Technical Assistance and Research (MCH-STAR) initiative to...
Analysed by final use, a fifth to a quarter of agricultural support measures were each used to grow staple crops (22%), meat products (22%), and fruits and vegetables (24%), and about a tenth each for milk and dairy (10%), oil and sugar (12%), and other crops (11%) (Fig. ...
Overall, a quarter of households do nothing to treat their water prior to drinking. Eleven percent of households use a ceramic, sand, or other type of filter to filter their water prior to drinking. 2.3.2 Sanitation Facilities A household's toilet facility is classified as hygienic if it is...
The fourth quarter of 2015 was excluded in the analysis as it utilizes the ICD-10 (rather than the ICD-9), and inclusion would have increased the potential for information bias. Records with missing or unknown ISS values were excluded from the analysis. See Table 1 for a description of ...
Another quarter had a score of 1, typically meaning there was a social media post but no news articles or blogs. Another quarter had a score between 2 and 9. The highest quartile had scores ranging from 10 to 734, with most under 100. The variable most strongly and significantly linked ...