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Health应用中的Medical ID功能能够追踪用户的医疗和健康信息,未来它还将允许用户将自己登记为眼球等身体器官的捐献者。通过iPhone和iPad,登记信息将直接上传到美国生命捐献组织(Donate Life America)旗下的注册机构。Health应用在2014年和iOS 8一同推出,可帮助用户密切监视自己的健康信息,但它的功能并不只是追踪用户... is your source for accurate and trustworthy information so you can make the best choices for your health and wellness.
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Family Health How eating too much sugar as a child impacts you for life Read What scientists are learning about how to prevent kids' allergies Read Kids are losing fine motor skills—and screens might be to bla… Read Science What’s your parenting style? Take this quiz to find out....
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Panel grills Donald Trump’s nominee for top health post on abortion stance and ‘Make America Healthy Again’ agenda Medical science Scientists use stem cells to develop muscle patches for unhealthy hearts ‘Remuscularisation’ trials boost efforts to treat cardiovascular diseases, the leading cause ...