2.soothing,comforting,gentle,mild,assuaging,palliative,emollient,lenitive,mitigativeI place my hands on their head in a healing way, and calm them down. Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002 ...
Anita has reclaimed being a daughter to her mother, and no longer mothers her. She feels enveloped by the presence of a larger intelligence and consciousness after the TGH process. “They wronged me. I can never forgive them”, is something we often say. They often becomes, ‘My father/mo...
We had become a loving father and his loving son, two Hugh's who were joined together as one holy Hugh, two H's who represented Healing Haven in the healing of humanity. If I could not hug my Dad with my whole heart, how could I expect to be healed or to heal anyone else? Many...
DS: Well, there’s a lot of things that are healing about it for me personally, which is I used to resent my father most of my life because he left when I was 3, and I saw that as something that had happened to me. And I think my daughter was ...
It has taken me but a mere several months to reach the level of steady happiness in my life that I am living today. I have more success in my work, more confidence in myself, and my life has transformed quite notably. I have magical moments occurring on a daily basis, my intuition ...
I looked back; how did I do when my father and Kula passed away? When my father passed away: I could not communicate with my father before he passed away. I knew his health was not well, so I visited him one month before he passed away in Japan. I went to his favorite restaurant...
(My thanks to Rael San Fratello, viaColossalandThe Museum of Modern Art.) “The work of the mature person is to carry grief in one hand and gratitude in the other and to be stretched large by them. How much sorrow can I hold? That’s how much gratitude I can give. If I carry on...
Dear Jesus, I am beginning to see the assault on my life and on my heart, as coming from the enemy. He has been fierce against me. I have been wounded and wounded deeply. And I am trying to believe, beginning to believe, that it was not all my fault. Not what I deserved. Oh,...
In my own childhood and boyhood my father was the refuge from all the ills of life, even sharp pain itself. Therefore I say to son or daughter who has no pleasure in the name Father, “You must interpret the word by all that you have missed in life. All that human tenderness can ...
idols; for taking your most holy name in vain and for failing to observe the Sabbath day of rest. Please forgive me for not honoring my father and mother, committing the sin of adultery or abortion, stealing, bearing false witness and coveting my neighbor’s spouse, property and possessions...