I’ve interviewed many different people for this blog, and witnessed a lot of before-and-after stories. However, the majority of the time, the “after” is usually a physical transformation: weight loss, clear skin, the list goes on. For all the mounting research on the gut and brain co...
it can be combined with antibiotics to enhance antibiotic transport across the biofilms by enhancing the sensitivity of biofilms to antimicrobial agents [141]. Studies have shown that this combination helps in the increased killing ofP. aeruginosaandS. aureusassociated biofilms and those caused by ...
Conventionally-raised meats and other animal products, as CAFO animals are routinely fed low-dose antibiotics, plus genetically engineered grains, which have also been implicated in the destruction of gut flora. Processed foods (as the excessive sugars, along with otherwise “dead” nutrients, feed ...
It was like I was addicted to it because it really helped me with my assimilation and healing my gut. And we were—I was standing next to you. I was on your left over there. I was in Pittsburgh. We were doing some other filming. But this time I’m all the way here in Utah....
Restoring the gut with good bacteria that has been stripped through antibiotics is one of the keys to restoring our health and our lives. When you are healthy, you can't help but show others the way too. The exciting part? This is just food, not drugs, which makes this accessible and ...
The classic approach of decimating every organism in her gut to treat the bacterial overgrowth with antibiotics and a Low FODMAP Diet was a good idea in theory. But it was the opposite of what Maddie needed. She needed her gut motility supported, her microbiome restored, and a good dose of...
Paul had more Reiki distant-healings as he felt he needed them, learnt to journal and discovered the Art of Mindfulness in an online community and also found ways to nurture and heal his body after visiting a Naturopathic and taking an online course. Posted in leaky gut, Metaphysical MS,...
But thanks to the addition of these three fibers, my poops are better than they’ve ever been. So, yeah, don’t shut out the idea of extra fiber to help your gut, especially after you’ve gone through some bad-bacteria eradication treatments (AKA herbal antibiotics) and feel confident ...
Our gut is truly where our health and our diseases all begin, and we are ignoring this fact by and large. If you are having digestive and bowel issues, or you can’t lose weight, or crave sweets or junk foods, feel bloated after meals, suffer with joint pains, have food allergies, ...
supporting similar findings in studies of stress-induced regeneration in the gut126. As metabolic regulation of fibroblasts and keratinocytes during re-epithelialisation is known to be important127, future studies should aim to further investigate the role of the MAPK and other relevant signalling path...