I would have never even thought that my husband abused me out of fear. The first time I read that in your book, I thought, don't kid with me. But I began looking into his past and talking to his family members, and discovered some wounds he had never told me about. Once I reali...
How to know whether you are being abused, what to do about it, how to seek help, and how to heal from abuse.
The term “emotional abuse” describes a range of behaviors that can impact people in many different ways. Abuse can occur during childhood, in a romantic relationship, or may come from a friend, family member, or coworker. While some people live with it for years, even brief instances of ...
If you want your healing from domestic abuse to permeate every fiber of your being, Domestic Abuse Healing from Within is for you. It will show you the mechanics of your body�s natural self-repair, strategies for mending the mind and heart, and practi
New Emotional Abuse Book Explains the Best Path to HealingLouis Clichot
In a society that pretends there is no such thing as energy at all, there is no proper explanations for the intense emotional experiences and the effects child abuse has on a person, nor why these problems should become worse, the longer they remain untreated. ...
Back off, or Leave her alone, or You don’t really want to go there —she’ll be too much for you is something Satan has set against every woman from the day of her birth. It’s the emotional and spiritual equivalent of leaving a little girl by the side of the road to die. And...
Through his powerful and proven ten-step program, along with the stories of other embattled survivors of family wars, you will achieve real, permanent, inner reconciliation, regardless of the cause of the rift - whether divorce, marriage outside your race or religion, emotional abuse, objections...
从精神"疾病"到心理健康的疗愈之道:美国国家心理健康研究所(NIMH)所长的思考 第一章Healing: Our Path from Mental Illness to Mental Health出版社 : Penguin Press (2022年 2月 22日)语言 : 英语精装 : 336页作者: Thomas InselThomas lnsel,医学博士,精神医学家和神经科学家,一直是美国心理健康研究、政策...
Social sciences need similar self-discipline. This is difficult because the results from social science have more emotional charge and therefore are more likely to be picked up by the popular press. Social scientists also, like most humans, enjoy attention and therefore may promote their work to ...