Top 20 Rated Pets External Resources Blizzard's Pet Store WoW TCG Loot Quintessence's Pet Blog Warcraft Mounts Warla's Pet Search Healing StreamAbilities by Family Aquatic Healing Stream Healing Stream 3 Round Cooldown Calls upon the healing streams, restoring 472 health to the user, and half...
When going through grief, or an extraordinarily hard time, God is SO proud of how we are handling life’s hurts that He is having ALL of Heaven –including our treasured loved one(s) – watch us because how we’re going through a trial is so pleasing to His heart? WOW!! How thought...
I am disappointed to say that, outside of raiding, I don’t feel WoW has a lot going for it right now. Normally at this point in an expansion I’d be blowing through alts like mad – but MoP has really killed my drive to progress alts. I have four characters at max level currentl...
And they were like, wow, there's a direct correlation between what's going on we just thought they had dementia. We just thought that they were, you know, had Alzheimer's, but in reality, their gait had changed. This is I'm getting...