The essence of the pouring out of the Spirit of God is Tongues. He pours it out incessantly (Acts 2:33). Visions, Dreams, Anointing, Light, Revelation, Faith, Prophecy, Power, Healing, Deliverance, Wisdom, Shalom and much more are the by-production of this “Living Water” (John 7:38...
and blessing the poor and we see people touched by Jesus and healed every week. Not only are they healed, but seeds of hope are planted, and watered, as God gives increase as His goodness leads them to repentance. MANY hearts are turned back to the Father as they begin to see hope th...
Dr. Tom Litteer has pastored churches in California, Oklahoma, and New Jersey. After a powerful encounter with the love of Jesus in 2005, he began to pursue healing ministry and to teach his church a new perspective on the Kingdom of God that resulted in salvations, healings and delivera...